Ageing causes the soft tissues of the face to gradually loosen and droop. As a result, patients may complain of a “tired look” and noticeable wrinkles in the upper face. One of the most common areas affected is the skin around the eyebrows. Heavy eyebrows can, in turn, make the upper eyelids heavy and cause them to spill over the upper eyelashes. In severe cases, the heavy, sagging eyelids can droop into the line of sight, obstructing vision. This becomes a comfort and quality of life issue, in addition to a cosmetic concern.

A/Prof Damian Marucci, who performs brow lift in Sydney, can elevate the brows so the upper face looks more youthful and the line of sight is clear. There are a few ways that he can accomplish this.

Elevating the Brows with Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

The normal eyebrow should be slightly above the bony upper orbital rim. When the brow falls below this position, sometime the situation can be partially treated with anti-wrinkle agents like Botox or Dysport which partially paralyse the muscles below the eyebrow, allowing the outer part of the eyebrow to be lifted. Botox and Dysport can be injected into the skin of the forehead to smooth out horizontal lines and wrinkles.

Botox and Dysport are administered through a series of injections. The results appear quickly and last for several months; at which point the injections need to be repeated.

In more advanced cases where significant or permanent improvement is desired, the eyebrows need to be elevated surgically.

Traditional Brow Lift and Endoscopic Brow Lift

There are two main approaches for a cosmetic surgical brow lift. The “old fashioned way,” which is still expertly performed by some Sydney brow lift surgeons, involves a long incision within the scalp extending from ear to ear over the top of the head. Through the incisions, the skin is lifted to reposition the brows and smooth wrinkles across the forehead. Excess skin is trimmed.

The newer (and thankfully less invasive) way to perform brow lift is to create a number of small incisions in the scalp and use a camera with long instruments to release the tissue around the eyebrows. Then, the advanced forehead tissues are anchored in a more superior direction. The camera used is called an “endoscope” and so the procedure is called an “endoscopic brow lift.”

Endoscopic brow lift surgery is always performed under general anaesthesia. Patients can go home the same day, but they will need to take it easy for a week or two after the surgery. Strenuous exercise and activity is discouraged for one to two weeks.

Endoscopic brow lift surgery is usually combined with, or at least, closely followed by eyelid surgery to remove excess skin of the upper eyelids. This rejuvenates the entire upper area of the face for a more youthful, rested and pleasant appearance. Brow lift can also be combined with facelift to revitalize the entire face.

Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Brow Lift in Sydney

If you would like to speak with A/Prof Damian Marucci about traditional or endoscopic brow lift, please call or email one of our offices today. Dr. Marucci serves Kogarah, Miranda and all surrounding areas.