I am very proud to announce that I have been awarded the clinical academic title of Associate Professor from the University of Sydney. This is an incredible honour for me and my family. I have completed all my degrees – MBBS, BA and PhD – through USYD. Thanks to my colleagues who nominated me and for everyone who has taught and guided me through the years. Thanks especially to my family – without their love, understanding and support I wouldn’t be able to do any of this!!!
I don’t feel any smarter than what I did last week, but I will be doing a lot more learning (in addition to teaching) in the coming years. A big shout out to the the Clinical School at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and my fellow supervisors in the advanced Anatomy course held twice a year at the beautiful Anderson Stuart Building on the University of Sydney main campus.
The University of Sydney was recently ranked as being the 31st best university in the world and the USYD Medical School ranked as 18th best in the world. Now, I’m not the 18th best at anything, but I’m hoping something will rub off on me somewhere!